
Biomolecular interaction(BIA)

Column:Biomolecular interaction analysis(BIA) Time:2018-11-24
The principle of biomolecular interaction technology is to monitor the change of refractive index of liquid on the surface of sensor sheet based on surface plasmon resonance.


    The principle of biomolecular interaction technology is to monitor the change of refractive index of liquid on the surface of sensor sheet based on surface plasmon resonance, which is directly proportional to the mass of biomolecules combined on the surface of sensor sheet. Therefore, the interaction between biomolecules can be monitored without labeling. During the analysis of intermolecular interaction, one reactant (called ligand) is coupled to the sensor sheet, and the sample containing another reactant (called analyte) passes through the surface of the sensor sheet at a constant flow rate through the peristaltic pump. The change of molecular concentration on the surface of the sensor sheet caused by binding reaction between molecules will be measured by the change of SPR signal, and expresses in resonance unit (RU). Time versus resonance unit (RU) was plotted continuously, and the sensing map recorded the whole reaction process, including binding and dissociation.

Result display